


Love your job and be proud.


Bekerja sambil belajar.

Masih galau lagi?

No! No! No! Be happy laahhh...!

Ayo ngeblog!

Masa kalah sama Babu Ngeblog?

Babu Dilarang Sakit Gigi

Bosku itu akan merasa aneh kalau aku diam. Karena aku biasane cerewet bukan main. Sejak semalam aku cuma mengangguk atau menjawab "ok" saja. Enggak bercanda, enggak menanya-nanyain tentang liburan mereka di Phuket, enggak complaint tentang cucian dua koper. Sakit gigi gini aku jadi males ngomong. Dan pagi ini, sebelum Nyonyah bos pergi ke kantor, ada percakan singkat yang nyebelin.
Nyonyah: "Why are you so quiet?"

Babune: "I am having a toothache."

Nyonyah: "Why are you having a toothache again?"

Babune: "Because I have teeth."

Nyonyah: "Do you know how to brush teeth properly? Do you brush your teeth at night before you sleep?"

Babune: "I know, I do."

Nyonyah: "But why are you having a toothache?"

Babune: "I have teeth."

Nyonyah: "Do you remember last time when you had root canal infection? Do you remember how much does it cost? I have told you, you can not get sick. I need you to look after Pompi and cook and clean the house and iron and talk and alot of other stuff."

Babune: .....mlaku menuju dapur lurus ke toilet dan... "Braaaakkk!!" Kututup pintu dengan kerasnya.

Nyonyah: "I am not done yeeettttt...!!"

Babune: "To be continue toniiightttt. The nature is calling me to poopoooooooo...!!" (padahal ngutek-uthek hp ndek toilet)

Pasal 1. Babu dilarang sakit.
Pasal 2. Kalau babu sakit lihat pasal satu.


Ditulis di toilet pada Kamis, 24 Oktober 2013, jam 09.01, post by phone. 
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