Winter with Mr. Tarmedi

***Bear it! I wrote this post in broken English!

I am trying to write a note in every other day (though last night I have posted) to keep my self occupy. It has been very cold days. The blanket & pillow are seemed more interesting than a laptop or an android phone. The wind often blows hard. It goes through the layers of clothes and through our bones. And as a compliment, the rain makes the days even worst.

But my friends & I (note: we are domestic workers in Hong Kong) have got to be stronger than winter. We are playing a co-star in every daily movie. We are the lady behind the success man. Well, we have people depending on us, laying great help or hope (as well as burden) to us. And to do such a job, we've got to keep healthy as well as happy.

Our boss might be in the bedroom watching TV or having longer nap time. But just look at those piles of dirty clothes in the loundry basket and on the washroom floor or look at how messy the house can be. And how about breakfast, lunch & dinner to serve? Or clothes to iron and baby to feed? Also marketing and (not to forget) moping and grooming the dogs? We definitely are not entitled for having such a lazy day in any season and any reason. Be it rain or fall or summer or winter, the job must be done. It is the same amount of HK$ 3.920 in every month, means the same things to do every day, no less, but can be more.

To keep healthy, may be it's all about the food we eat. But one of the reasons to keep happy is sending messeges to a friend or multiple friends in one group under the generosity of whatsapp, line, BBM for Android etc. It is free (for now) and easy. It doesn't take much time also.

We often talk about our self, our boss, our "man", our holiday, future, business or married & family planning. Further more, we discuss about many different news, from Indonesian domestic worker's news to Jokowi, SBY and Mr. Tarmedi.

Ok, so this (Mr. Tarmedi) is the latest news that has inspired me to write in English (forgive my wrong grammar pls). And because of this news, my friends went crazy (but it is a good way of craziness of course). We write messeges in English. We hope that we'll be better one day, getting more fluently and confidence through wrongs and errors.

But there are two different confersations I have made with completly different type of friend. And both make my days brighter and lighter. It''s fun way of learning. With little bit of twist and little bit addition here and there (include mixing the language). It is bizare but hilarious! Check it out!


Did you find it funny? I did and still do! Lol...

nganfen (bahasa Kantonis)=sleepy
codauu(bahasa Kantonis)=good night

16 komentar :

  1. Balasan
    1. mbaaahhh...this is wadul not umuk..wkwkwk...

    2. Umuk apa wadul, padha wae, bikin kamus bahasa inggris punya anakku sempal kabeh tak obok-obok.

  2. your writing is excellence, i have to learn more to you, hehe

    btw your chat conversastion that you captured from your android cell is very cozy. I am ketawa ketiwi sorangan reading the way you texting..

    1. Rite. Nice posting. Writing in a good way. Awesome

    2. @jarwadi, thank you. Still learning. Happy to hear that you felt the same as me. I always failed to stop my mouth from smiling or laughing every time I write msgs to my friends in that way. So fun n funny!

    3. @asep, thanks for your sweet comment. Can not wait to see your new blog! I ll learn alot from it for sure.

  3. Lhaaahhhh, aku gak mudheng blasss mbak. Isaku cuma bahasa planet. Bosmu ditukar pisang goreng wae mbak, biar kalau sampeyan jengkel tinggal nyaplok.

    1. Haiiiisssss.....ngapusiiii...
      Lhah mengko sing nggaji aku sapa tjaaakk???

  4. Aku juga pengen belajar banyak boso lin--ggis dari mbak Rie

  5. Jiaan tenan babu sitok iki.....
    tulisanmu ra koyo tulisan babu nduuk...
    aq pingin tiru2... ajari yo??
    Bangga bgt ada babu sepertimu,FYI aq yo tau mbabu nek Hong kong
    4 tumbs up for you

  6. Nice posting...your english much more better than most of indonesia university graduate. Keep it up..a big thumb for you

  7. blognya bagus mbak, daftarkan aja ke google adsense biar dapat uang banyak

  8. u r so inspiring me Riri, nice blog, keep writing la yaaa..heuheu. Salam kenal.

  9. umuk.... nice writing ..... ben sirah ora melu2 kriting, Fresh lagi.... thank's Yu Srie.


Matur suwun wis gelem melu umuk...