


Love your job and be proud.


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Masih galau lagi?

No! No! No! Be happy laahhh...!

Ayo ngeblog!

Masa kalah sama Babu Ngeblog?

My Silly Magical Story

"You can do it Ah Shee!" said my employer with her eyes glued to mine.

Followed by five couples, they asked me to tell a story that I have made for the little girl I am taking care of.

I was all wet, cold sweat, really. I've never been pushed to do this kind of thing, not in front of many adults.

Yes it's true that I used to read the story to my little girl(I am taking care of), but one day she got so bored with all of the stories I read to her from her story books.

"Own story cece, own story," she pleaded to me on that day.

My head was totally blank at that moment, empty. I was in the same state for 5-6 minutes, puzzled. But somehow I managed to arrange some words into sentences, and from sentences into story. I was telling her the story, silly magical story. I didn't even give it a title. The story has been her favorite ever since I read for her last week. That means, I have been telling this silly magical story for the entire week.

And now, here, in front of 5 couples and my mam(my boss), 9 kids aged 2,5 to 6 years and 5 maids(domestic helper from Philippine) I have to start again. It was not easy, I felt so nervous.

"Focus Ah Shee, don't mention about us, just think that you are telling the story to the kids only," said my mam(employer).

And that is what exactly I did, and everything went smooth, just like that, like I have nothing to weigh me down at all. You know, it's easier to tell something to kids. You only need to to look at their eyes and smile, and if they smile back to you everything will be a lot easier.

"Far far away, in the very top of the mountain, there was an old castle, I started my story.
"And there lived a witch, an owl and a cat. And then they sleep, and then they woke up, and then..." said Katelyn, my little girl.

"Katelyn! Let cece tell the story!" snapped my mam.

"I wanna help Ah Shee cece, tell the story," she answered plainly. Her face was so innocent and her eyes were not blinking at all, wondering what she has done wrong.

"Yes, but now we want to listen to Ah Shee cece first, there will be your turn to tell the story, okay?" the mam explained.


I started to tell the story again from the very beginning, my story was like this:

Far far away, in the very top of the mountain there was an old castle.

There lived a witch, an owl and a cat.

One night they were sleeping in the very very deep sleep. And all of sudden the cuckoo jumped up and shouted.


They woke up. Stretched up, opened a big mouth….


The first to jump up was the witch, and she said:

“Good morning!”

Then the owl.

“Oo…Oo…Good morning!” said the owl.

And last was the cat

“Meow…meow…good morning!” said the cat with the eyes slightly open.

They made their bed, tidied up the bed and when they have finished they went down the stairs. First went the witch, followed by the owl and the last one was the cat.

When they got to the bottom of the stairs, they went to the cauldron.

“Time for breakfast!” they said instantly.

Into the cauldron they threw 3 eggs, 2 pieces of chocolate, 4 frogs and 2 smelly fish. And they stirred and stirred and stirred and said the magic word.

“Abracadabra, widelwiwii, smack cracrocrop, make breakfast for three!”

Oh no! But something went terribly wrong! Up from inside the cauldron jumped the giant green stegosaurus. Then the stegosaurus chased everyone around the kitchen. They ran and ran and ran away from the stegosaurus. They ran and ran and ran and ran and the stegosaurus went out into the garden.

When he got to the garden, he ate all of the pretty flowers and all of the ripe plums. And when he was finished he went fast a sleep. He was sleeping so deeply because he was so full.

The witch, owl and the cat went back to into the kitchen to make another magic spell to see that they could chase the stegosaurus away.

The put in 3 smelly fish, 2 pieces of chocolate, a bottle of milk and they stirred and stirred and stirred and they say the magic word.

“Abracadabra, wigellywoo, ziggalizag, ziggadizoo!”

Oh no! But something went terribly wrong. They turn into 3 little mice. They went out of the kitchen into the garden where the stegosaurus was fast asleep. And the stegosaurus woke up. He saw the mice and he said: “I am scared of the mice!”

And he ran away. And the mice chased after him, out of the garden and out of the castle.

The mice went back to the kitchen. They were circling the cauldron. Then they jumped right into the spell and they drunk and drunk and drunk everything, until there was nothing to be seen left. And with the last abracadabra, up jumped the witch, up jumped the owl and up jumped the cat. They climbed up the stairs and they were very tired. And they went back to sleep.

"Good night," said the witch.

"Oo...Oo... Good night," said the owl.

"Meow...meow... Good night," said the cat.

And that is the end of the story.

There was loud claps after I finished my story, and when I saw those innocent eyes of the kids, their eyes were glittering in a happy tune. Did my story make them happy? Huhhh...silly magical story huh?!

Diriku dirimu, Hp-ku Hp-mu

Kalau dirimu melihat diriku hari ini, fuihhh tentunya pikiranmu tak jauh beda dengan seorang cewek yang aku jumpai siang tadi. Dengan celana pendek, kaos oblong, sandal jepit dan keranjang belanjaan, aq tak ubahnya sebagai "babu on duty" pada kebanyakannya. Well, ketambahan dengan wajah yang mengkilap karena kringat dan minyak alami bau ketek plus rambut yang ga ada bedanya dengan kawul(pasahan kayu). Waduh pokok e semrawuttzz deh.
"Mbak gak libur?" tanya seorang cewek yang aku yakin mempunyai job sama dengan aku yaitu babu.

"Enggak mbak," jawabku.

"Baru ya?" tanyanya lagi. Yang dimaksud dengan kata baru disini adalah apakah aku baru datang ke Hongkong.

Kubiarkan pertanyaannya kosong tanpa jawaban, bukankah jawaban yang diinginkannya adalah: iya? Tapi aku tak ingin membahagiakannya dengan segera menjawab pertanyaannya dengan jawaban: iya.

Mulai jengah aku dipandangi olehnya. Dia memandangku dari atas sampai bawah, seolah seperti keheranan atau takjub dengan kepedeanku bergaya babu hari minggu gini. Memang seh si cewek ini berbaju bagus, mungkin juga bajunya itu mahal. Ditambah lagi beberapa perhiasan seperti gelang 3 biji, cincin di dua jari, jam, kalung dan anting sebesar tutup gelas dan kesemuanya berwarna emas. Ah, hampir saja aku membuka mulut dan bertanya padanya apakah perhiasan yang dipakainya itu emas beneran atau imitasi saja, tapi segera kusadari kalau pertanyaan semacam itu justru akan mengundang pernyataan atau bahkan makian yang tak kuinginkan.

"Baru mbak? tanyanya lagi.

Buseett, ini cewek mungkin menganggap aku tuli, karena tadi aku tak menjawab segera pertanyaannya. Aku hampir saja membuka mulut ndowehku untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang baginya hukumnya wajib dijawab itu, tapi tiba-tiba saja hp nokia andalanku(nokia 1600 yang sudah lecek, usang n kadaluwarsa) meneriakkan lagu "iso ngliwet-nya boyzone"(It's only word).

"Hallo, yes mam. Coming back now mam. Ok. Ok"

Kumasukkan lagi Hp-ku kedalam saku celanaku. Kali ini dengan kemantapan hatiku aku mengambil ancang-ancang untuk menjawab pertanyaan cewek tersebut.

"Baru?? Emmm...iya neh mbak, baru 7 bulan," jawabku mantap.

"Oooo...pantes," katanya sambil tersenyum.

Aku melihat gelagat yang tak baik dari cewek cantik ini. Cara memandangnya padaku seperti mentertawai aku. Dan aku tak suka itu.

"7 bulan lebihnya dari 5 tahun," jawabku bohong.

"HA?? Sudah 5 tahun lebih kok mbak seperti itu?"

"Haa?? seperti itu gimana maksudnya?" tanyaku berbalik.

"O maaf, maksudnya mbak kok gak berubah, Hp juga masih gitu aja,"

"Ha?? memang mbak tahu aku dulunya kayak apa? Lagian apa salahnya dengan Hp ku?"

"Enggak mbak maaf, mbak terlihat polos banget gitu. Lagian biasanya kalau sudah lama di Hongkong khan biasanya Hpnya yang mahal dan keluaran baru gitu,"

Mataku berhenti sejenak pada Hp kebanggannya, Nokia N-91, buseettt.

"Mbak, kalau penampilan ya tergantung sama pribadi masing2. Saya orangnya gak suka sing nyleneh2, ga suka sing aneh2 cuma sewajarnya aja. Opo anane. Lha wong ya sapa sing arepe dipameri? Pacar? bojo? yo adoh panggone ndek Indo(Indonesia) sana. Trus nek Hp, lha wong Hp khan fungsine biar bisa lancar berkomunikasi aja tho. Lha nek sing Hp kadaluarsa kayak gini aja sudah bisa untuk komunikasi lha ngapain beli sing mahal2? Sing penting khan pulsane. Mbak, Hp ku najan elek pulsane ora tau utang lho, tenan kuwi!" kataku berargumen.

Dia mesem, seperti malu juga gregetan denganku. Kemudian berlalu, begitu saja tanpa pamit. Ah aku lupa tanya namanya.

lucky and thankful

I read an old newspaper this morning. It was so old that the color of the paper has been changed and both,the writings and the pictures are faded. But still I can read the news.

There was a story of a man, a soldier, who has lost his arms. He went back home for he is no use for the crop. His wife has gone to another man, but his son was still there. His son was the very first person who greeted him, and he couldn't do anything. No hands to hug...
Tears trickled down his cheeks much more for the willing of his heart to give his son a hug. His only wish is to give his son a HUG. And how can this man hug his son without any hands...????

I was in tears as well. Felt so worthless all of sudden. From this story I can get a point that you don't have to be lucky in life you just need to thankful.

And I am doing nothing to prove my thankfulness. An ass really, rubbish, that's me!
Piling up my sins and still smiling all the way...
Knowing my wrongness, and aware of it but still doing the same...
Run to where my heart takes me...
Fell sorry?? no!! or not yet!

Am I not a lucky man alive? And where is my thankfulness?????????????????